Tim McMahon goes sub-2 in the 800!
Tomas Ferns runs 4:18.89 in the 16!
Jeffy Wright with a huge PR in the 3200: 9:07.47!
Alex Oldham runs a sub-40 300 hurdles!
Aidan Crawford win the day triple jump with 43'2.5" then comes back to drop a 50 split in the 4x4!
Norah Feldt runs 5:05.84 in the 16! She returned less than an hour later to run 2:19 in the 8.
Double PR day for Avery Wolk: 5:13.71 in the 1600 and 11:12.57 in the 32!
Kailee Mallow PRs in the 800: 2:27.16!
The girls 4x4 (Ciara, Emma, Sierra, and Maya) takes 2nd in the night meet with a massive season best: 4:00.53!
Emma, in addition to blazing a 58 split, PR'd in the triple jump: 36'5"!
Another big day for Sol! Double winner in the shot (40'7.25") and the discus (147'7")!
Sophie Coil PR'd in the shot: 35'11.5!
Edison Hinrichs PR'd in the disc: 112'9"!